Thursday, September 21, 2017

I'm That Kind of Person (List of 1)

As promised, I (we) will include true stories where we take full responsibility for doing things that someone else should have posted on this blog. At the moment, I am not recalling anything, but I am sure I will be reminded of something.


I just remembered.

What kind of person/parent does not check the weather on really snowy days and drops their kids off at school and even mentions, "Gee, it looks pretty dark. They need to turn some lights on." In fairness to the repeat offender in this matter, she grew up in St. Paul Minnesota where there was a no-snow-holiday policy. Schools never closed. Start time might have been delayed. But there was no closing and no early outs as I recall. Then one day the buses couldn't even make it through the snow, so there was a snow holiday. This would have been in the 1960's. And it might have been just that one time. The amount of snow that it takes to close Iowa schools is laughable. When I went to college in Des Moines, in 1969, I walked to school and sat -alone- in a classroom for an hour. Then I moved to my next classroom and was sitting there for a while when a custodian walked by asked me if I knew that school had been canceled due to weather. I was astonished. This must have been the second year -1970- when I was in an apartment which was shared, but the roommate was not always sleeping at the apartment. She might have alerted me to the school closing if she had been there.
I'll replace this photo with one from my actual childhood - next time I find one.

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